Thursday, June 30, 2011


Wed, Jun 29 2011   

The start of my journal! This is good... I am hoping I enjoy writing... I can vent, express myself and just get out some things I can't seem to talk about. :)
Well- after two sleep study tests and a daytime MSL test I was diagnosed with Narcolepsy today at the doctor's office. Hhhhmmm.... He said I didn't have the regular symptoms of a Narcolepsy person but during the daytime sleepiness test... it showed I had extreme daytime sleepiness. He told me he suggests I should join a Narcolepsy support group online. Yeah.... I don't know about that. lol. But, anyways he said he would put me on a stimulant to try to keep me awake and alert and get back to a more normal life. I can't tell you how excited I was..... I was so happy to hear that there is a solution. Or maybe anyways. He put me on the lowest dosage of drug for the first test. Well, it doesn't do anything. He said it should work instantly and I feel like I am going to pass out like usual. Extremely exhausted where I can barely function. Ugh. So now I have to wait THREE whole weeks before getting new medication. I think I might call next Wednesday (a week later) and tell him it's not working. Maybe he'll give me something else for 2 weeks. I hate to waste something that isn't working for me. I am excited for something to actually start working so I can start feeling better.... and getting the energy to exercise so I can finally start losing some much needed weight. My doctor seemed nice and understanding. He is just really funny about prescribing strong drugs.... which I am going to need I can tell already. So I hope it's not a problem. That was my excitement of the day.
On another note- besides the doctor... regular everyday things. Leila & Ava have been fighting like cats and dogs all week. I think I am going to scream if they don't give it a break. Leila had a friend over from school yesterday.... and they played well and her mom was actually nice. So that was good. I power cleaned all night Monday and it was great having the house cleaned. Of course Ian's room, my room and the basement are a complete disaster but the girls room/ bathroom/ living room/ dining room were in great shape which was nice. I was thinking... "Man, if only I could keep the kids out of the house all week I would be good and the house would still be cleaned lol". I'm hosting a playgroup tomorrow w/ Brandy and some other girls. I hope the house is clean enough for them. I hope this medicine encourages me to clean better. :( I know it has a real effect on mine and Tristan's relationship. He gets so angry at me because the house is a mess. I'm sure he thinks I'm lazy. But, I seriously can barely move sometimes... just taking care of the kids wares me out and I honestly do the best that I can. And I'm honestly embarrassed because I have friends like Brandy and Andi who are o.c.d. but are so clean and their house is spotless. I would LOVE for anyone to be able to stop over at my house anytime they want without me being embarrassed or freaking out... or having to clean for weeks before I invite someone over. Ugh. I get so depressed about it.
Well, I am going to stop writing now. Leila has cheerleading camp tonight and I have to make something for dinner before we leave. :)